Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 27 - protest this daft SOPA/PIPA thingy-ma-jig

A lot of sites went down last wednesday but I'm not so sure the fight is over even with people fleeing the bill.

I quote from
"Julian Sanchez, research fellow at the libertarian CATO Institute, said average Americans engaged in “lawful, non-infringing” activity could be caught up by parts of SOPA and PIPA. “When the government seizes a drug dealer’s car, that really only impacts the drug dealer,” Sanchez said. “But when you take down an entire website, an entire domain name, to hit some unlawful content, you’re potentially hitting tons of perfectly lawful, non-infringing content.”
seems pretty fooked up to me...and to be honest i reckon its only going to backfire on the very people who are trying to push it through....

if you treat everyone like a criminal, then sooner or later they will all start to act like criminals.

anyway, heres my protest (kind of like the blacking out of wikipedia - but maybe on a tiny bit smaller scale!)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 26 - build your very own Millennium Falcon

yes, why not...if an overgrown german shepherd can fly one, why not build your very own!

of course, the cost may put a lot of people off, probably somewhere in the billion dollar why not settle for the next best thing...


we all love go build a smaller Falcon from Lego (hell, you can even buy it ready-to-make).

so, heres my sons build...took him about 3 hours off and on...and it allowed me to spend 3 hours drinking red wine supervising (well, ok, watching)...of course in the film below it takes less than 40 seconds, just enough time to appreciate the Latino-style Star Wars music....enjoy!